John has completely Rebuilt and Refinished all kinds of Pianos for all kinds of People. From Family Heirlooms to Top of the line Pianos. He has restored everything from Old Upright Pianos to Concert Grand Pianos, lessor name brands to top of the line brands such as his personal favorite the beautiful 1901 Steinway B Piano.
1901 Steinway B Piano
The Piano pictured in the images is the 1901 Steinway B that John has restored. It has been used and autographed by dozens of Celebrities and Performing Artists. The Piano is now covered with Autographs from satisfied Stars without one complaint about the Piano.
Contacting John
With a proven track record of success rebuilding and refinishing pianos John should be your only choice for Piano Restoration! Give him a call at (909) 980-5958 to get started! You can also hit the button titled get started today for complete contact information.