Piano Moving

Paul Gilkey is our trusted Piano Moving Expert. He is the most careful and methodical Piano Mover I have ever encountered, and I’ve met dozens, but in almost 2 decades he has never damaged a Piano! He moves Pianos for Piano Dealerships and Insurance Companies and Restoration Services as well as for everyone else, and he has handled some very difficult moves.


Sometimes (Rarely) he works with other Piano Moving Companies on projects, or even in instances where he has to work in conjunction with a separate Crane Company that has been highly vetted. Paul is a completely Independent Piano Mover now, but we work together often on projects.

People love Paul so much that they routinely ask him to move other things for them, and he usually does even if it’s on his “Day Off”. If you want cheap labor call somebody else. He’s fairly compensated for his expertise. But if you want it done correctly & quickly call Paul Gilkey at (909) 730- 1951